NGen Celebrates Additional $177 Million Investment from Government of Canada

February 23, 2023
Advanced Manufacturing Cluster to launch new calls for project proposals with renewed funding
Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), the industry-led organization behind Canada’s Global Innovation Cluster for Advanced Manufacturing is pleased to announce an investment of $177 Million from the Government of Canada. Budget 2022 confirmed Canada’s commitment to the clusters, with an additional investment of $750 million through to 2028, to support the further growth and development of Canada’s Global Innovation Clusters.
The Global Innovation Clusters program was launched as a new approach to innovation, through co-investment with industry to build accelerated, strong ecosystems that will take innovators further, faster through collaboration. This unique model has proven successful at creating stronger ecosystems, de-risking adoption of technology, maximizing the value of intellectual property, and forging new partnerships that increase firms’ market potential. Moving forward there will be an increased focused on coordinated multi-cluster collaboration which will see the clusters bringing together their respective industries to tackle large, real world problems.
The Future of NGen
With renewed funding, NGen will leverage Canada’s research, technology and manufacturing strengths to develop, scale up, and commercialize transformative solutions in advanced manufacturing. Future NGen funding calls will focus specifically on opportunities across the zero emission vehicle value chain, the decarbonization of manufacturing processes and circular manufacturing of materials, and other strategic, world leading advanced manufacturing initiatives.
“This investment from the Government of Canada is a vote of confidence in our ability to deliver world-leading solutions in advanced manufacturing,” said Jayson Myers, CEO, NGen. “With a strong track record of results and a growing network of researchers, technology companies, and manufacturers, NGen will continue to strengthen collaboration across Canada’s advanced manufacturing sector, support the commercialization of world-leading projects, and promote Canada’s advanced manufacturing capabilities on the world stage. We are excited to launch our next round of calls for project proposals.”
Companies with proposals for transformational advanced manufacturing projects should contact to explore project ideas and find collaboration partners, and Sign up to our newsletter for updates on new funding opportunities.