ADVANCED Motion Controls: EtherNet/IP Now Available for FlexPro Servo Drives

April 16, 2021
With the release of two new products, not only have ADVANCED Motion Controls (AMC) added panel mount servo drives to their FlexPro family, but they’ve also added Ethernet/IP to their growing list of supported network protocols at ADVANCED Motion Controls.
The FMP060-25-IPM is the first of their off-the-shelf standard products to have EtherNet/IP communication, but it certainly won’t be their last.
Most servo drives and controls on the market that use EtherNet/IP are designed to operate at higher voltages such as 220VAC. However, AMC’s new FlexPro drives run on just 10-55 VDC, making low voltage/high power options available to EtherNet/IP users.
These new FlexPro drives are perfectly suited for manufacturing applications, robotics, and warehouse automation. Their lower operating voltage and high output current expands the options that were previously unavailable when creating new designs with EtherNet/IP. The panel mount form factor makes integration, maintenance, and even retrofitting hassle-free.
Also available in the panel mount form factor is the FMP060-25-EM with EtherCAT communication.