Programmable POSITAL Encoders Updated to Support ‘Fractional PPR’
February 5, 2024

Rugged IXARC incremental encoders offer pulse rates as low as 0.125 pulses per revolution
POSITAL’s IXARC programmable incremental rotary encoders can now be configured to deliver ‘fractional pulse rates’ (fractional PPR). That is, these devices can be programmed to transmit a single pulse for more than one shaft revolution (for example, a PPR of 0.125 would correspond to one signal pulse for eight shaft rotations). They can also be set up to deliver pulse rates that are not even multiples of the number rotations (a PPR of 3.5 would correspond to seven pulses for two rotations).
Fractional pulse rate encoders are often used in conveyor and web applications to simplify control system setup.
Systems requiring fractional PPR have traditionally made use of special optical encoders, such as the Photocraft’s HS20-P and RS-P encoders with the .125AJ option. Now, POSITAL is offering their rugged IXARC magnetic encoders as a compatible, but more reliable alternative to this older technology. POSITAL’s IXARC encoders make use of magnetic sensing and are available with IP66/67 rated environmental protection, making them much less susceptible to moisture or dust than their optical counterparts.
They are also more mechanically robust, with high shock and vibration resistance. With a wide variety of mechanical options available, including shaft type and diameter, flange and casing types, materials, and level of environmental protection, IXARC encoders can fit into almost any system.
A special feature of these encoders is their programmability. Key performance characteristics can be selected by setting software parameters without mechanical changes. Fractional pulse rates can be set anywhere from 0.125 PPR to 8 PPR in steps of 0.125 PPR. (Integer pulse rates as high as 16,384 PPR can also be selected.) Communications interfaces are programmable, with push-pull (HTL) or RS422 (TTL) outputs available. Connector pin-outs can be arranged to match other products, such as the Photocraft units.
While IXARC encoders would normally be ordered with the required performance parameters preset at the factory, they can be re-configured on-site using POSITAL’s convenient UBIFAST programming tool. This versatility makes IXARC programmable encoders an ideal choice for component replacement in existing systems or for new projects.
POSITAL is a supplier of advanced industrial position sensors used in a wide variety of motion control and safety systems. The company is also an innovator in product design and manufacturing processes and a pioneer of Industry 4.0 (Industrial Internet of Things/IIoT), offering customers the benefits of built-to-order products combined with the price advantages of mass-production.
POSITAL is a member of the international FRABA group, whose history began in 1918, when its predecessor, Franz Baumgartner elektrische Apparate GmbH, was established in Cologne, Germany to manufacture relays. Since then, the company has played a trendsetting role in the development of rotary encoders, inclinometers and other sensor products. POSITAL’s sister company, UBITO, specializes in the development and commercial applications of Wiegand technology, an exciting tool for event sensing and energy harvesting. POSITAL and UBITO have a global reach with offices in Europe, North America and Asia – and sales and distribution partners around the world.
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